
Role of the surgeon

Surgeons play a critical role in healthcare, and their responsibilities include diagnosing medical conditions, planning and performing surgical interventions, providing preoperative and postoperative care, collaborating with other healthcare professionals, and staying updated on the latest advancements in surgical techniques and medical knowledge. They work to improve the health and well-being of their patients through surgical procedures.


What is surgeon?

A surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures. Surgery is a branch of medicine that involves the manual or instrumental manipulation of a patient's body to diagnose, treat, or cure medical conditions, injuries, or diseases.

Surgeons receive extensive medical education and training, which typically includes completing medical school and then undergoing a surgical residency program. During their training, they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform various surgical procedures, from minor surgeries to complex, life-saving operations.

What do our surgeon treat?

Our Surgeons are medical specialists who treat a wide range of medical conditions, injuries, and diseases through surgical procedures. They can treat various health issues, including but not limited to:

  • Surgery of Appendix
  • Hernia
  • Gallstones
  • Bladder surgery using Endoscopy


Surgeons can specialize in various medical fields, depending on the types of surgeries they perform and the specific areas of the body or conditions they focus on. Here are some common surgical specialties our doctors have like Surgery of Appendix, Hernia, Gallstones & Bladder surgery using Endoscopy.



Surgeons provide treatment primarily through surgical procedures. The type of treatment a surgeon offers depends on their specialty and the specific medical condition or injury being addressed. Here are some common treatments provided by our surgeons are Surgery of Appendix, Hernia, Gallstones & Bladder surgery using Endoscopy.

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